Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A totally drool worthy and inspiring flick pool worth checking out if you are a dyer, spinner or knitter.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here's a Panta (pattern here) that i whipped up a while ago and found the pics in my camera while cleaning out old pics.

Handspun swapy goodness

swap to Bloo closeup
Originally uploaded by Saint_Ann.
Just a closeup pic of some handspun i dyed and spun up for a swap on craftster between spinners and crafters. Anne and Aubrey you should get in on the next round (i'll let you know when sign ups are). It's a fun way to get some cool gifties in the mail.

Friday, November 17, 2006


I hate the colors on this blog. I changed it to make it better, but it takes soooo long to do since I'm not good at it. Right now it sucks and I don't what came out, but I don't have time to change it. I don't want to sit through hours trying to get a good combo again yet, so I guess I will have to wait. If I got back to a standard blogger template, I will lose all the customized sidebar stuff, albeit there isn't much. ugh.

The good thing about colors is that we will be swimming in colorful yarns this weekend at our Wine, Dye and Knit party, hosted by yours truly. Zona, Aubrey and I will be splitting a space at the Piecemaker's craft fair and we need to build up our inventory! We'll make sure to take pictures and post.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Crafting Divas' Vitae

So, I think we've done enought things to have our own curriculum vitae. Here's a list of where you can find us!!!

  • I Can't Believe I'm Knitting, In Motion -- A knitting DVD featuring Melissa Leapman. Aubrey, Anne and Rachel are in there for about 10 seconds each in the extra feature section "Knitter on the Street" The videos are available at stores like Michaels and JoAnn. In March 2006, I blogged the experience.
  • Shapeshifting Sweaters, Uncommon Threads, episode #241, Season 2, Feb. 2007 -- Anne, Zona, Aubrey and Rachel demonstrate a wonderful project using recycled sweaters on this crafty show on the DIY Network. It hasn't aired yet, nor has the airing schedule been released, but I'll update this as soon as I know! :) Our experience is blogged here.
  • Meowzers, Uncommon Threads, episode #265, Season 2, Feb. 2007-- Anne, Aubrey and Zona demonstrate a bed for your beloved kitty and show off some other kitty toys on this episode. It hasn't aired yet, nor has the airing schedule been released, but I'll update this as soon as I know! :) Our experience is blogged here.
  • Knit-torious, SqueezeOC, Nov. 9, 2006 -- An article on knitting for which Aubrey and Anne knitted the bikini. Aubrey and Anne were featured in the bio. Blogged here with links.
  • "Fu", MagKnits, Issue # __?_ -- Anne's pattern just got accepted for publication in MagKnits. It's still undecided whether the pattern will be in the February or March 2007 issue.
  • I Do Knits, Knitty Gritty, episode #_?__, Season 4(?) -- Aubrey and Anne will be knitsters on this wedding-themed episode. This still has not happened yet, but we are scheduled to tape on December 4, 2006.

Sexy Bikini on SqueezeOC

Look! We are another mini-step closer as crafty supahstahs! Sorry if you saw this on my blog. But isn't it exciting!!?? Aubrey and I collaboratively designed and knitted the bikini below, which was featured in last week's SqueezeOC, a weekly local entertainment pub. The also have and online version of the article, but after seeing the print version, I like the print version much better! Here's the article. Here's a bio on Aubrey and me. The photos above are from Squeeze OC. Yay us!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Creative Yarn

I meant to post this a while back, but I kept forgetting. Aubrey and I decided to take some salacious yarn photos along with some other creative posings with yarn. They didn't turn out super great, but I really like them. Thanks to Zona, who took all the photos.

Have you ever knitted with goats?

Um, yeah, it was a really cold day here in SoCal. We decided to start a fire and roast some yarnmallows.

We got hungry and decided to cook. Below Aubrey is enjoying her bowl of yellow egg noodles.

One of my favorite pictures. I am in a knitting Zen moment. Well, actually, I'm acrophobic and was afraid to jump on this super bouncy large trampoline. Yeah, I'm a chicken.

Ah, last but not least, for the fetishists. Salacious photos of us bathing together.