Thursday, July 20, 2006

Please accept the invitation

So, this is supposed to be a group blog. Aubrey and Rachel have not accepted the invitation yet. Granted, we've all been busy. Oh well.

I've been running a mile a minute lately, and things only seem to have gotten busier since I returned from my vacation. One of the reasons is because I am finally fulfilling a long-time dream of having my own artsy-fartsy craft coffee cafe. Woohoo! After racking our brains and surveying our friends, we decided on naming it Handicraft Cafe. Crafty Diversions was also very popular choice (that's why I chose it as a blog/domain name). I had hoped to do something like this and thought I'd go ahead and purchase the domain. It's going to be a long hard road, but one about which I am very excited and certainly willing to put in the elbow grease. Luckily, I have Aubrey who wants to do it with me and seems to be just as excited. And I have hubby who is being very supportive. Furthermore, there's the girls in the knitting group cheering us on.

The stressful part of it is that more I research things, the more work there seems to be. Aubrey and I have gotten past the conceptual phase into early planning stage and so we have committed to weekly meetings to discuss business. So, all this added to a full-time emotionally-draining job (that I love) is challenging. Other recent activities that have been eating away at my time include the Uncommon Threads show, for which we will be filming in early September. Blogged here.

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