Thursday, August 31, 2006

Uncommon Threads - The Adventure Begins

Initially, the girls and I were only going to do one episode of Uncommon Threads, as we found out and submitted for the show late in the game. Now we are doing two episodes, and I am surely feeling the crunch. Needless to say, the process is quite exciting since none of us has done anything quite like this. As Zona says, by the end of next week, we will be "Crafting Supahstahhhs!"

I've already blogged the adventure to date on my own blog Crafty Diversions, so I won't repeat like a broken record. We will be filming on September 5 & 6, 2006. The show producers are currently trying to get us a hotel room near the studios, since the 4 of us live in OC and we have a 7:00 am call! yikes! So, we're keeping all our fingers crossed. Apparently we are shooting for the end of the season (with Sept 6 being the last shoot), and their budget is a little tight. Darn! They did promise us beer on the last day, since it's their wrap party. Yeah!

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