Sunday, November 05, 2006

Creative Yarn

I meant to post this a while back, but I kept forgetting. Aubrey and I decided to take some salacious yarn photos along with some other creative posings with yarn. They didn't turn out super great, but I really like them. Thanks to Zona, who took all the photos.

Have you ever knitted with goats?

Um, yeah, it was a really cold day here in SoCal. We decided to start a fire and roast some yarnmallows.

We got hungry and decided to cook. Below Aubrey is enjoying her bowl of yellow egg noodles.

One of my favorite pictures. I am in a knitting Zen moment. Well, actually, I'm acrophobic and was afraid to jump on this super bouncy large trampoline. Yeah, I'm a chicken.

Ah, last but not least, for the fetishists. Salacious photos of us bathing together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to take pictures for you guys!