Friday, December 15, 2006

Thank you, Windy City!

As you may know if you've visited Twirl Girl Fibers lately I offer a yarn of the month club. I listed them a few weeks ago in hopes of generating holiday shopping traffic. I sold 2 yesterday wich made me happy and thought nothing of the fact that both were from the Chicago area. I got a reply today from one of the customers and at the end of her email it said "I'm so glad Chicago Time Out Magazine directed me to you." Huh?? What's Chicago Time Out Magazine? So I Google it and find the publication online then search "Etsy" in their own search engine. Here's what I found! It's an article about 'of the month clubs' to give as holiday gifts and has a pic of yarn at the top of the article (not my yarn but still) and my yarn is the only yarn mentioned in the article. Yay! I'm famous and didn't even know it!

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